Can Self Cleaning Oven Hurt You

Can Self-Cleaning Oven Hurt Or Kill You?

An oven’s self-cleaning feature can save you the stress of cleaning it manually after use. While this is a welcome addition, there are potential risks associated with using this feature. When considering the dangers of a self-cleaning oven, eyebrows are …

Chicken Soup Left Out Overnight What To Do

Chicken Soup Left Out Overnight – What Now?

Chicken soup is a delightful delicacy that is enjoyable with a cold soft drink. Seeing it go to waste can be very painful and disheartening. So, when people find themselves in a situation where it is left overnight, they quickly …

Melting Ice In The Microwave

Why Doesn’t Ice Melt In The Microwave?

We’ve all been there. You’re in a rush to make your morning coffee. And you pop your cup of ice into the microwave to speed up the process. But then, when the timer goes off, you open the door to …

Why Do Some Plates Get Hot in the Microwave

Why Some Plates Get Hot In The Microwave? – Explained

We recently came across a post on concerning plates that hit inside the microwave. It read, “… why is it when I microwave my soup, the bowl is much hotter…?” But don’t microwaves heat only the food inside a …

Can You Microwave Alcohol

Can You Microwave Alcohol? Here Is What Happens

Most of us have alcohol in our homes for different purposes. Apart from drinking, it comes with many benefits, including serving as a disinfectant in case the sharp kitchen knife catches your finger. Most importantly, it’s regularly added to a …